Fischerking64. Doctors won’t do it, view it as violation of Hippocratic oath, send them to therapy. Fischerking64

 Doctors won’t do it, view it as violation of Hippocratic oath, send them to therapyFischerking64  Part of the reason there is an absolute right of self-defense to any murder charge is that it’s an additional deterrent to criminality

I genuinely don’t [email protected]. In the murky darkness of virtual places, there could be dragons, shoggoths, leviathans. The sour cream version holds up better to heat. ”Polls, politics, postpunk. Centre background is one of his brothers. Part of the reason there is an absolute right of self-defense to any murder charge is that it’s an additional deterrent to criminality. This book is driving engagement from the socialist Left to the anon Right. Quote Tweet. This is from the memoir of current head of CIA William Burns. 3/To feed 2 people, I use about 1/2 cup of brown rice, cooked it in rice [email protected]. @FischerKing64. Thread by @FischerKing64 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App. @FischerKing64. Here he outlines negotiations re German reunification - take note of highlighted part in context of Ukraine now. 2:58 AM ·. ”@FischerKing64. This was never just about free speech. Replying to @FischerKing64. ”@[email protected] “An easy commerce of the old and new” This line echoes one of the great organizing principles of Elliot’s thought - his very Burkean conception of culture as a contract between the dead, living, and yet to be born. This desecration serves no purpose other than to humiliate old-line Virginians who want to honor their past. You do some time consuming things on the weekend, and you have some quick ones in back pocket for week And sometimes I just get a burger at the pub. This is a test to see the reaction. Redirecting to /i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2FCovfefeAnonZero HP Lovecraft. This is from the memoir of current head of CIA William [email protected] There’s a cheating scandal in the poker world right now as well (a nobody vs a great player). The immigrant is the average American voter looking at Joe Biden. 4,[email protected] at play are larger than individuals and their vain ideas. If we knew enough to make the model you describe, we wouldn't need [email protected] There is a reason every Antifa mugshot is a loser with track marks, tattoos, metal all over their faces - these are angry people who lead depressing lives. @0x49fa98. I guess couples would come in, seek advice on their ‘problem. Woke marketing isn’t going to do anything except drive away the white dudes who drink. All I can say is that it was painfully clear that the Republican old guard is dense, tired, corrupt, and completely indifferent. Would DeSantis even stand a chance at doing this? We would essentially be betting that DeSantis gives a giant middle finger to AIPAC etc who he needed to run. FischerKing. This wasn’t just about $$. As an absolute believer that plagiarism is the most sincere form of flattery I am confident that Jacques Pepin would be thrilled seeing this dish…@FischerKing64. In a demotic society - it’s the [email protected]. They just pack ‘em in, fill place up, until the entire house is about ready to collapse. Remember the ‘investment banker’ John Kasich (Lehmann Brothers) - Trump demolished him for it. Nothing new under the sun. Pic from before I was born. . The United States in its DEI form is repulsive, and when it collapses it will deserve it. Enoch Powell, a talented scholar/responsible politician, saw it all coming, warned about it. I grew up a devout meritocrat, Ivy League or bust. 27. "”“@profpjm @FischerKing64 Beethoven earned the pass, but being known for leaping doesn't necessarily imply what he did every moment. Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss. Generally only people who lack the capacity for shame, or people willing to cave to donors who have dirt on them, even run for office. FischerKing @[email protected] Powerful bishops and cardinals also kept a gal on the side, even had families, people turned a blind eye in Middle Ages into early modern Europe. ”@FischerKing64. 12:00 AM · Apr 4, 2023. F: Can you steal-man the case for Anthony Fauci, tell us something good he did? K: I can’t think of anything…I think he’s a genuinely bad human being. [email protected]. 7. ”CB is right - but it’s good to remember she’s not talking to the American people. 7:40 PM · Jul 7, [email protected]. " This society is on a trajectory that is going to play itself out. All treaty allies that depend on the security guarantee. Top guys get rich, middle America eviscerated. 24 Oct 2022. Architecture & Tradition. I have lost interest in your account because it’s indistinguishable from an account being paid, other than the bodybuilding and dog pictures. But he failed to hire the right people. This is either very stupid or a Trojan horse. Forces at play are larger than individuals and their vain ideas. Many debates about chess talent/prowess. " These schools are banking heavily on their pedigree, that major law firms/institutions will "trust them. ”@FischerKing64. The St Louis chess club runs a live broadcast and always has both a male and female commentator. They want to see how happy the students and faculty are, vs how angry the locals get. . 4 cups chicken stock, 3 cups water, few cranks of salt. Airtable | Everyone's app [email protected]. But increasingly they can’t extend that same empathy to Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson. But God knows when that’s coming, so will draft something in coming week. Tony Blair pretends to have a cockney accent. 11:35 PM · May 7, 2023. This is about a pound of defrosted raw shrimp, deveined with tails removed. Saying “the emperor has no clothes” doesn’t take any intelligence - just a certain immunity to being [email protected]. This isn’t [email protected]. Refrigerate for while, then form patties as below:“@FischerKing64 The last time someone announced they had a dream, they got a bullet to the head. Feb 23. And if it didn’t work, then we would know immediately, not waste time. The Fisher King is a 1991 American fantasy comedy-drama film written by Richard LaGravenese and directed by Terry Gilliam. This is something I've noticed too. When people thought game was solved into a draw, computers emerged that opened new vistas. Seems relevant to whether he is ‘a force for good’ as he says. It’s how I feel about 50% of the time on [email protected]. It will discuss history, connections among [email protected]. So I did listen to some of Lex Fridman and RFK. ·. I liked. Oh I blocked him instantly. She’s saying: ‘give me $$, and I will continue this war as long as I can, big returns for you…so please help!’FischerKing @FischerKing64. 24. Take it a little further. Like all liberal arts colleges, the faculty is mega woke, and they’ve been working inch by inch to eradicate the school’s history. Starring Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges, with Mercedes Ruehl, Amanda Plummer, and Michael. Retweets. Why? Because they aren't discussed nearly as much as. If you kill all elites, lay waste to society, humiliate the culture, then rule w/iron fist - you can remake a society. SCOTUS opinion banning affirmative action at universities contains a carve out for military academies. 11:21 PM · Jun 9, 2023. Plenty of people are concerned about this issue, just not in framing it the way you did. ”FischerKing 2023-04-14 21:59:30. Is [email protected]. Firing 80% of Twitter staff fits the mold. ”@FischerKing64 Americans still hear an English accent and think ‘this person is high class. Stanford’s incoming class is 22% white. The first edition of The Aristos, before he toned it down, is well worth a read. Rick Perry was a popular governor of Texas. Only path to challenge Trump (always narrow) was through going on as many unscripted outlets as possible, answering questions off the cuff, showing personality and competence. Big part of reason everyone is always upset on both sides is they think they’re voting for POTUS as a Caesar figure - that’s how media portrays ‘the most powerful man in the free world’ - but really they’re voting for the equivalent of the King of England without the dignity. Very impressed w/technical knowledge/fluidity of expression of DeSantis on that space. 4/ the dressing for the salad is (this is also for 2 people) is [email protected]. Visiting a grad school friend in New England, his colleague wasn’t worried about $$. United States is publicly committing suicide. Please look at Kasparov’s rook sacrifice against Anand in the Open Spanish in ‘95 match. Didn’t mind it because all I was doing was dealing with trash, and I was left alone to do it. All your chips/semiconductors are built in Taiwan. You must actually be good at campaigning nationally. Enoch Powell, a talented scholar/responsible politician, saw it all coming, warned about it. RT @FischerKing64: Have read new book from @realchrisrufo discussing historical background that has given us woke culture. 12:55 PM · Jan 18, 2023. Chess is a closed game. ” 🤔”“Have pointed it out before, but the Swedish film Aniara is deeply haunting to me. She was squat, little heavy - her ambition far outstripped her value. 17h. The tragedy wasn’t the regicide, it’s what came after. Yes, that is correct. The reason people aren’t drinking as much Bud light is that it sucks, tastes like warm piss. I don’t think he has any chance of winning in a landslide, and I don’t even think his chances are that good. Trash that would be better off as mulch. Also. Is possible to conduct without pornstar gesticulation. No one has ever asked me about college. “@FischerKing64 Then the Feds put pressure on all the billion dollar banks, payment processors, and other financial clearinghouses — in an emergency DOJ writ — to stop servicing the governments of these “rogue” states, immediately grinding them to a screeching halt. This will be first tweet in series that discusses Beethoven's String Quartets. ’@FischerKing64 This is an aesthetic compliment. shhh they dont like it when you use [email protected]. This is for 2 2/ For the meat - you want 12 oz of fat heavy (ça 80%) ground beef. Alexios Alexiad @Chinalexios. An average of 105 sounds good, but if the bell curve humps in middle, it’s society of midwits w/out genius, like US federal [email protected] wakes up and finds the tree bare. Co-host of @Political_Beats and Friendly Writer at @NRO. @FischerKing64. This entire thread is basically about humility, and how that leads to an understanding of hierarchies of talent, which tends to make people appreciate others and be conservative and [email protected]. ”@FischerKing64. 4K“@FischerKing64 In some weird way, modern feminism seems to be driven by a similar fear of young men. Log in. I agree with Rufo but I think the example I gave of Dartmouth at least makes Yarvin’s concern not crazy. Given riots we just saw, USA may have it right. When he entered the 2012 POTUS race, he was instantly front runner. 1/Regime/culture change is possible w/extreme [email protected][email protected]. RTs like this are always fun. Now I’m speculating, but admitted white men are likely connected - legacies, or just bought way [email protected][email protected]. The hype and poll numbers don’t mean anythin[email protected] This is a succinct summation of so many Theodore Dalrymple essays, where he describes people preferring life in prison because their days are structured for them, they get food, off drugs - and interestingly avoid women, who bring chaos into their lives in this liberated world. The internet is an ocean that we invent as we explore it. ”“@FischerKing64 I’ve said this a lot, but you really don’t need an Ivy League school. At least people who fill their homes with knickknacks & trash can turn their misfortune into a reality show that helps them. It’s the people certain topics attract. Then drain and put on baking sheet. In USA, some things that started in porn - ass implants, lip filler - they’re becoming more common. Lee himself will be exhumed in a few years is my guess. 22, 2023. In a complex matter this creates a tension - do I put my best people on, or do I placate the DEI dept of the client? Rock and a hard place. Take a dog into some cramped apartment, impose no discipline at all, you will quickly have a problem on your [email protected] And this is why focused effort is so important - if everyone engaged in it - in whatever form suits him - the utopian bullshit would mostly not emerge at all - at least in the ludicrous, extreme forms surrounding us now. The disadvantage scale helped turn UC Davis into one of the most diverse medical schools in the U. 3/ boil potatoes in water and a tbsp of salt - for about 5-10m, till paring knife easily penetrates. When it’s done I mix in some chopped cilantro and green onion. RT @im_1776: Join our space tomorrow for the launch of @realchrisrufo's book “America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything”, with @GraduatedBen, @Partisan_O, @TheWorthyHouse, @martyrmade, @FischerKing64, & many [email protected]. ·. One aspect is distribution. Like when they are moving fluidly in life there is an appeal that can’t be captured in a still. Tells me "I. Additionally, physicists are not trained to debate social issues, so conversations are often mean spirited and accusatory. ’ There is a kind of ironic logic to keeping Americans in hamster wheels most the time, then giving them a day off to shop, buying shit they don’t need to express their ‘[email protected] And some guy with tattoos all over his body who has a popular podcast has made a ton more $$ by having his wife on to explain how she cucked him, and he explains how it made him feel. I went to a state school for comp-sci and engineering, I worked hard, got a great job. 16 Jul 2023 15:46:[email protected] Jun 9, 2020 3 - Here is a source: ‘ A somewhat similar situation occurred in Denmark when the German occupation forces arrested the entire police force in September, 1944. In the US, there is a lot of walking through the wrong parking lot at night, schizo w/a blade, addict needs a fix random violence. There’s a lot of great analysis out there about today’s Family Leadership Summit. “@FischerKing64 @ElectionWiz Most recent public one is @EWErickson but campaign littered with them including @KenCuccinelli Karl Rove etc. Redirecting to /i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2FDeuNachrichten“@FischerKing64 @DegenKarl He’s too good to just run El [email protected] This is a very important point. Seems [email protected] · Jun 6. ”“@FischerKing64 ironically, this might end up prolonging it in some sort of crippled form. Recall that John Kerry tried to pretend to enjoy duck hunting after images of him wind surfing floated around. Hit with cranks of salt/pepper, 1/8 tsp allspice, pinch cinnamon, and healthy chunk of parsley [email protected]. Ponzi scheme is where guy keeps drawing in more $$ to pay off the guys who already invested + ‘returns. Israel a quasi ally Netanyahu may dither for a bit rather than immediate compliance for oral, but he too would eventually drop to his [email protected]. Post script - when your typical white liberal reads these headlines - s/he really believes being accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools, MIT and Stanford is a sign of genius. 12. Woman is his mother, and at far right is his father. “@FischerKing64 Seems like Scott is largely doing this for his own amusement (+newspaper publishing hasn’t been a money maker for a long time anyway, nothing to lose). I am marinating them in about 1/4 cup of mayo, with small handful of kosher salt, tablespoon of cumin, and 2 small chipotle peppers with adobo [email protected] Short thread - technology and music. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersFischerKing. ”@FischerKing64. “@FischerKing64 If you want something a little "extra": Take some sour cream or buttermilk, mix 1-2 tbsp's of either into 2 cups of heavy cream and leave it out overnight. Think tanks aren’t going to be able to change that. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested [email protected]. They want to follow. Add in your dried porcini, and your herb bundle. ”@FischerKing64 4/So you can say USA is getting stronger vis a vis Europe or Russia or even China. Think of the universe, how open it is, how little we know - and we hear claims of certainty. Lee - and his family - is buried beneath a chapel in the center of the campus. ”To build a diverse class of students, the medical school at UC Davis ranks applicants by the disadvantages they have faced. ”“@LoganHe37277307 @FischerKing64 Yeah they aren't being paid in access at all. Cops cannot be everywhere all the time. @FistedFoucault. FischerKing @FischerKing64.